It is that gorgeously ornate time of the year... Almost time for Carnivale ( carneval, carnevale however you wish to spell it..) in Venice, Italy.
I am so fortunate to have several customers from the United states and Europe
waltzing around the grand balls in Venice in my work.

The beautiful photograph above is courtesy of a lovely customer. She is wearing a custom 18th century Rococo powdered wig by Antoinette's Atelier NY.
Photo by David Rose, model: Ariel
It reminds me of one of my major goals for this year.. To get some ballgowns
out there for sale. After working in the NYC garment center for almost a decade,
I have some of the MOST beautiful fabrics and trims.. and now that I have
a bigger and better studio space, I can build more costumes and gowns.
I hope to be able to go to Venice in 2012.. Here's to 18th century inspired gowns and gorgeousness!
Kathleen Marie
I just got back from Carnevale. My husband and I go every year. I originally discovered you on Etsy, since I also have a shop there and have included your work in a few of the treasuries that I have made. Anyway, I was thinking that some of the wigs that I see at the Florian and elsewhere must be made by you! I love your work!