Dear Friends,
I am pleased to officially announce my participation in the Dances of Vice event
"The Swan Lake Masquerade Ball"
on Friday, April 30, 2010 at Galapagos Art Space, Brooklyn NYC.
I will be presenting a small, yet lovely,
ballet vignette representing the "Dying Black Swan"
or more appropriately in french "le cygne de morte noir".
There will be some lovely ballet costumes and some beautiful wigs and
pretty, prettier, prettiest models involved!
Including the amazingly talented
JeniViva of Mystical Hips Bellydance,a gothic belly dance troupe,
Fashion Model and Muse to Most if not All Artists of Note:Aprella,
The Beautiful Burlesque Beauty Pandora,
And last but not least, in-house model and muse, androgyne extraordinaire Falon.
Please come and dress exceptionally!
The other performers are also quite noteworthy, including live harpsichord music
from Mistress of Harpsichord,
a ballet from Company XIV, a baroque dance troupe,
and Opera from some lovely ladies "The Charities Baroque Trio".
I have much work to do! Forgive me if I don't update as I should!
Here's to making Christian Lacroix proud!
K. Marie
Oooh I hope some day to be in the right place at the right time and be able to come to one of these fabulous occasions! I LOVE dressing up and there seems to be so few opportunities for it these days in the land of blue jeans. It's wonderful to see a group of people committed to celebrating yesterday's beauty today and having a great time doing it! Congratulations on your work being honored in such a great venue. I can't wait to see pictures of it. Your work is exquisite!
Hope Ava