Dear Friends,
I have finally gotten to the re-rooting process of replacing
the hair on two of the Gene Marshall dolls I repainted over Christmas.
Although they are not done being repainted, I just wanted to start the hair process,
because it is said to be time consuming.
One doll ( see above, blonde/pink) I have re-rooted using Saran hair ( which I don't like AT ALL because it is oily and shiny. It comes in really amazing colours though!).
Her hair has been nicely curled.
The second , I have rerooted with kanekelon ( spelling is so wrong there), which looks better ( less shiny) a bit less expensive, but thicker and a bit stiffer.( see below "white" hair). I have yet to curl her hair, the test roller came out frizzy.
I hope to have her visit the salon soon, though.
On re-rooting.. It takes forever! I am better at it now, having done it twice, but it takes a LONG time. The end result is very much worth it, as it becomes more customized.
Let's let the pictures talk.. Miss-Lawrence-Welk-Hair-Doll needs her eyelashes. her profile is too flat. Otherwise.. They are looking pretty good for my first attempts.
*I am in no way affiliated with Gene Marshall Dolls or Ashton Drake Galleries,
I am on a journey to create my unique vision in more mediums!*
ps I can't wait for my tax returns, I am buying a new digital camera!

Great improvement over the original doll. Adding the hair to the Gene doll must certainly be tedious, but how hard is it to remove the original hair.